JLTP 025: “Drive” your Trumpet!

August 8, 2020 jeff lewis

In this session of the Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I talk about the concept of quality practice over quantity and paying attention to not only the musical aspects of your playing but also the physical.

In this particular episode you will learn;

  • How practicing longer is not always better.
  • How to pay attention to the physical aspects of your playing in order to manipulate your sound.
  • Staying engaged during your practice session and not “going through the motions”.
  • The concept of quality over quantity.

Website; https://www.JeffLewisTrumpet.com

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Twitter; https://twitter.com/JLewisTrumpet

Podcast on iTunes; https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/the-jeff-lewis-trumpet-podcast/id1333984769?mt=2&at=1000lHQ6

Podcast on Google Play; https://play.google.com/music/m/Ijx7f6cf7ftaea7ffawmlt7r6wq?t=The_Jeff_Lewis_Trumpet_Podcast

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