JLTP 052: How to improvise on “All The Things You Are” A section (part 1)

July 2, 2024 jeff lewis No comments exist

In this episode of The Jeff Lewis Trumpet Podcast, I go over how to improvise over the A section of the jazz classic “All The Things You Are”.

In this particular episode, you will learn;

  • What scales to use over the A section
  • A scale “workout’ to become familiar with improvising use the notes from the two scales
  • Harmonic generalization

If you want more tutorials, PDF worksheets, in-depth analysis of ii V I chord progressions, jazz play-alongs, how to improvise on “All The Things You Are”, and more, check out my NEW Patreon channel here;


Use this color-coded free PDF to follow along;

Use this scale workout sheet to become more familiar with improvising in these two keys;

Listen to my solo on YouTube on “All The Things You Are” and download the free PDF here;


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